Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Why write?

I have never been a journal keeper. I was told once in a creative writing class in college that I was a terrible writer. Whenever I think about writing, I hear those words. But in the last ten years, I have had several people tell me I should write some things down. Again, the negative thoughts. I don't have anything new to say. I don't write very well. Who cares about my stuff? Aren't there enough people writing already? But I realized that all my negative thoughts and reasons for not writing were tied up in one glaring inaccuracy that revolved around pride ... that my writing would be read by thousands and had to contain some major revelation that would alter future generations. I believed my writing would lead to something. Maybe published? Maybe I'd end up on a talk show explaining my wonderful insights? People would want me to come speak to share my wit and intelligence. Speaking scared me. That was enough to make me push away from the old keyboard. But again and again, people would encourage me, "You should write that down."

This morning as I walked my dog, enjoying the 70 degree breezy temperature and striking, blue sky, God helped me see the real reason I should write which is the very same reason I live, to bring glory to His name. I have a story to tell, a beautiful story of God bringing beauty from ashes. Many people have similar stories. But I never grow tired of hearing about God's amazing work in a life and so, I will add mine to the list. And as I age and my children grow older, I want to remember what He has done and I want my children to know what He has done.

So this blog is His. These posts I write will be my stones of remembrance, my altar to the Lord, my praise and thanks for His redemption and restoration of a life that once looked like charred ashes at the bottom of a pit. I will tell of what He has done, what He is doing, and what He is teaching me along the way. And I will remember His faithfulness and I will glorify Him for the great works He has done. I will write not for my image, my pride, or my reputation and I will write in spite of my fears. I will write for the Lord.

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